Refresh your wardrobe with complete confidentiality and no judgement!

Let's get in that closet of yours and make it easy to shop in everyday. We'll take out the old to make room for the new, and organize it by season, color and style. Any items that we decide you no longer use nor love will be donated and/or consigned. Donating always makes you feel great and consigning is a wonderful way to off-set the cost of purchasing new items. And always remember, getting dressed should be easy!

How it Works:

I come to your closet
We purge and organize
I consign or donate your items
I email you linked image boards with outfits hand-picked for YOU
You look and feel your best!!


Schedule a Session

Pick a time on my calendar. We start with a short conversation, then the main event.

Rate is $150/hr and at least 3hrs is suggested!

It Pays for Itself!

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“Jane” spent just $1,300 to refresh her closet, and so far has made over $13,000 dollars selling her stuff on TheRealReal AND more than $2,000 dollars from Common Threads!

“Sue” invested $375 in her refresh and in three short weeks made more than $650 from Common Threads and $560+ on The RealReal!

All of my clients get a Charitable Donation receipt for the clothes they donate to a Charity; who doesn’t want to take a bite out of their taxes??


Read a Couple Reviews

“She helped me reorganize my closet in a flash, which helps me save time while getting ready. She's the real deal and the best part is she's got the BEST style and always makes me laugh!" — Kristine

“Angela completely transformed my closet and by doing that, changed my life! I feel confident that what’s in my closet looks good and feels good. I am no longer throwing on things because they were easy go-to’s! Stream lining what I own and wear has added such happiness to my life.” — Amiee